With You

I want to see it all, with you.

I want to go wherever my heart's content.

You only live once, and life is so insignificant,

And I want to make the most of it, with you.

Someday, I want to see the pacific ocean

from the shores of California to the shores in Australia.

You will stand there next to me to feel the warm breeze.

And one day I want to backpack through Europe

to see Beckingham Palace, the Ifle Tower, and The Leening

             Tower of Pizza.

You will walk next to me through ever single street.

Go to Africa to see the pyramids and wildlife;

You will take the pictures.

Then to Russia, to live out a freezing winter,

And you will keep me warm.

We can go to Tokyo, Japan to see te big foreign city.

You will admire all the padestrians on bikes with me.

Then to China to see the Great wall;

We can stroll along it forever.

After that, I want to visit the beaches of Mexico

And hit up the culture in South America.

We can learn about all the ancient tribes there.

Off to Canada to see the mountains and lakes;

You will sit and watch the sun rise too.

And go to Hawaii and see volcanoes and surfers;

You will keep a lava rock forever.

Off to both the North Pole and Antartica to see the Eskimoes.

You will live in an igloe with me!

I want to know how hard a third world country is

So you can suffer with me.

Go to Amsterdam where Anne Frank hid and the Heiniken Brewery;

You will drink till you're punch drunk love.

We can go to "The Promise Land" in Jeruselum

And we will prey together.

We can go to every place

And together we will be.

Or we can start a family

And work as hard as we can.

And have a simple, an ordinary life

You will die a happy man.

Either way, I just want to do it with you.

No matter what,

I just want to be with you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I want to see the world someday. I want to do it with someone though. This isn't for anyone in particular. Maybe Mike Long. We'll see.

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