The world is your toaster

It's never the words that cut.

It's the mind's eye that creates the pain.

Now LET it cut,

and tell me.


How does it feel?


So many I see.

Painfully pining.

With constipated emotion.

Twisted and turned the wrong way.

Until the soul is bent, concaved & crushed.


Negativity seeps in,

Through ethereal pores.

A delicate transistor,

Oscillating on a malevolent frequency.


But wait I say...


The heads not dead...


Just turned around.

The hearts not broken...


Just flipped upside-down.


Just take a sec,

To introspect and detect


Root out the problem

Take time



Release the negative

Embrace the positive


For the World is your toaster.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nothing imparticular with the title, Other than me liking the sound of it.  We all get angry, stressed out and every other spectrum of bad feeling emotions.  Sometimes we head so far down into the darkness inside our selves, we don't even know how to turn back.  I'm rambling.  Live Love Laugh & Learn.  Try to do at least one everyday. 

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