Foreign personalities

Deep inside it lurks

this feeling

of emptiness

And whole the world is resting on it

The trials,

and the pain,

Your face has left a lingering stain

That my tears can never wash away

I can't say I care for you

but I can say I feel an immense

distaste for the things you've done

I can say that once upon a time

I felt a reasurrance by your name

But your so good at playing make believe

A hero one day

the villian the next

All those little things you said

Are like a audio on repeat in my head

I can't make any sense of your foreign


I felt you stick the knife in my back

And a little a day you twist it in tighter

Does this make you feel your life's purpose is complete

A legal kidnapper

Your sins will never be justified

by me.

I trusted you

You made me believe

You cared

You decieve

your a serpent

I do believe

Who could cause such pain

without a concious?

And beg to differ,

That I would thank you in the end

You'll see.

You will find that through your so called

triumph over me

That there is another trial you will see

a path you will know

That I have went

all because of you.

You will soon know

the pain

the hurt

the sadness

the betrayal

that you so whole heartedly

without a hinder

bestowed upon me

I promise.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was wrote to my mother-n-law who took custody of my child from me and my husband for no reason at all.. Just because she has money and connections and she feels she could be a better parent.

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