My Blue Valley Burns

Satish Verma

It was very transparent 
death of the shadow; 
life moved without it. 
We both had seen a huge hunger 
and the veil of poverty, 
and a cult of familiar lies in 
ancient puddles of guilt. 
There was no mourning. Love 
and hate shaped the duality. 

Life and death moved 
hand in hand running in mystic silence. 
Some thing has evaporated like 
a spirit from the wreckage 
of emptiness. A witch hunt 
started to find the clarity. 
A flower melted into a book 
a primitive instinct was there 
to survive. 

My blue valley burns, 
I stay attuned to fog. 
Smoke and slap of winds. 
calling up the sky. 
Illusion of peace shattering 
the night. The soaring soul floats on 
the serene aura of solitude. 
I don’t want to wake up again.