Here's How

Get fired up. Take action.

Keep your motivation high.

Don't accept any limits.

Stretch. Keep reaching for the sky.

Think of what you really want

Accept no other result.

Now dwell upon this daily,

And soon, in it you'll exult.

Always act upon these thoughts-

Each day you must take action,.

Keep up your new momentum,

Know 'why' there's no retraction.

Act as if you've got this now-

Get immersed in the pleasure.

Believe that it's in your grasp-

Joyfulness beyond measure!

Make sure you set a deadline

For when you want to achieve

All these magnificent goals-

And then, you have to believe.

Get fired up. Take action.

Keep your motivation high.

Don't accept any limits.

Stretch. Keep reaching for the sky.

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