Some Reasons Given For Stray Animals or By People For Abandoning Pets


The animal rescue people on Twitter and in the nation's animal rights and humane societies could add countless horror stories to the following list.

1 Dogs and cats are abandoned when people go into hospitals,
   rehab centers, nursing homes, assisted living facilities.
2  Soldiers are deployed
3. When human companion dies
4  First baby coming
5. People move leaving pets behind, sometimes in locked houses
6. Allergies to pets (something virtually no vegans have)
7. Pets not housebroken
8  Pets scratching furniture, chewing clothing
9. Barking complaints
10. Escape artist animals who run around neighborhood before returning
11. People saying they can't afford dog or cat food or veterinarians
12. Abuse by neighborhood children or neighbors
13. Stray dogs and cats with their puppies and kittens
14. Biting
15. Fighting with a second new pet
16. Veterinarians kidnapping animals until a bill is paid
17. Nokill animal shelters full
18. Covid19 lockdowns and quarantines
19. Not enough human homes to keep up with the high
      rate of dog and cat expanding population
20. New partner not wanting a pet

21. Homeless people die in streets. Their pets are unintentionally


22. Bait dogs used in dogfighting rings and then abandoned


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