Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports, Vaccine Deaths


The Medicare Tracking System, the largest health data base in the US,

far bigger than CDC, NIH, or FDA, ran 2 studies: one on people over 80

who died within a fortnight of being vaccinated, the second on people under

80 who died within a fortnight. Over 29,000 in the first study and over 19,000 in the second were the numbers. These were not reported but a whistleblower brought them to Attorney Thomas Renz. Over 48,000 have died in the US from covid vaccines as Robert Malone, MD inventor of the Moderna vaccine,

Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, discoverer of HIV, and retired Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon all warn against taking the vaccines. Dr Montagnier wrote

that the vaccines are causing the covid variants. Michael Yeadon petitioned EU health authorities to withdraw the Pfizer vaccine because it destroys

women's placentas.

 Resigning rather than be required to take lethal vaccines are untold thousands in each category: doctors, nurses, (aware of those dying shortly after the vaccine) pilots, air traffic controllers,

firefighters, police, border guards, prison guards, US military,
teachers, students, corporate employees. Vaccine mandates harm health care,
critical tranportation, border protection, air traffic safety, fire prevention, crime prevention,
national security, education of a generation of students,  critical technological support.

Biden vaccine mandates and potential vaccine passports add to the deficit and harm the economy by removing so
many millions from the tax base. Is he obeying secret bosses in risking

the loss of the House and Senate in 2022 by pushing these peoplekilling draconian unconstitutional vaccines.

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