This body does NOT belong to me anymore

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There’s a tension in my chest where you can be heard
Feelings of sorrow both bleak and absurd
A whisper of words of a wrongful romance
A place where my ‘victim’ holds her defence stance
A beat to the drum of love and let leave
A wheezing of anxiety every time that I breathe
A needing to cry constantly without any tears
A tightness that releases an onslaught of fears


There’s a line along my spine where you can be felt
Thick as the leather of your ‘heartless’ belt
A jumble of words never spoken yet true
A place where I imprison my harsh hatred for you
A manifesto of you're a fuckin' asshole!
A military compound for the voice you stole
A dictionary filled with lies and profanity
A weight on my shoulders of a soft insanity


There’s a pain in my hips where you can be found

Deep in my tail bone mulling around
A pressure of a stigma of a secret untold
A place where my spirit was packaged and sold
A chair built solidly out of violence and pain
A creak when I walk that sounds like your name
A wound healed over but never quite right
A memory of you raping me in the night

Author's Notes/Comments: 

One of these days my mind, heart, body and soul will all be on the same page about how over this we are. Until then…

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