To Be a Child Again


i remember sitting in the backseat of my father's truck
looking at each of my parents as though dumbstruck
how lucky i was to be so well cared for
i knew right then i wanted nothing more
thus when i grew up to be who i am today
i experienced the foreshadowed way
i'd looked to the future and seen myself
a malnourished one with his heart on the shelf
once with surplus affection now needing more
not that there's anything i should be wanting for
it's just that i'd grown accustomed to all that love
and try as i might i cannot make sense of
a world where that's reserved for a child
where demonstration of love becomes so mild
for someone once he reaches my age
how i long again to be sheltered from rage
to count on my father to protect me
when the kids on the playground reject me
to count on my mother to always be there
with a bedtime story and teddy bear
that kind of love is the best of all
should i be ashamed to want it all?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on a weekend in October 2007.

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