The Endless War



It all started with the war. A war between two gods, Satros and Ethos. Both fighting for control of life and creation and so, the war began. One seeked destruction and the other peace. For every decision Satros made, Ethos looked for a way to balance the earth. It was a time when the earth had no light, no darkness, nor water, wind, soil or fire. So when the war began, Satros created fire so he could prove to be more powerful than his brother. When Ethos found out, he created water to turn off the fire. When water was turned into floods, mountains were made. When there was no water at all Ethos let his tears fall on Earth creating rain and when there was no light to guide, he created the sun as a solution but Satros used the light of the sun and turned it into heat so it would burn too hot. Ethos created trees to give shadow and wind to cool the air. Satros used the air his brother created and made heavy winds creating chaos, so at night when the darkness was all to see the moon and the stars gave light, A light of hope.The intentions of the god brothers began to be clearer each day.

Time passed and their creations only got bigger and better. Ethos decided to fill the sky with birds and flying animals while Satros decided to fill the ground with snakes and other animals, some that had 4 legs, some that had 8 legs and some who moved with no legs at all. This animals where their warriors but, they did not follow or fear them. They found themselves in a predicament when they realized there were no self conscious thinking beings on Earth to pray to them and make them stronger... So they were able to work together and created human life. This life was created so they could choose a side, choose a way of life and most importantly a God to worship. This way the fight will last for eternity. The real fight began, The fight of good vs evil that has taunted humankind since the beginning of life was created by the wrath of two brothers who could not seem to agree. Only to prove who is the strongest and better brother. This war has been going on through centuries only the gods don't go by Ethos and Satros but by Holy trinity and Satan 

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