The Essence and Elements of Life

High school

The essence of life

Like a blazing fire

No element can destroy it

Only love can make or break it

Love causes it to glow

With beautiful golden flames

But when lost its cold

A deep blue pit of Ice

You realize what you had

With tears of regret

You see you did nothing

And your soul blows away

A gust of wind destroys

All that once existed

The water from your tears

Causes waves to crash

Against your earthly heart,

A piece of earth embedded

Deep inside your chest

How do you live

In a frozen state

You burn alive

But you also drown

Because of the stone inside you

What is left in life

You lost all you had

Who’s to say there’s anything else to come

Except for eternal pain and anguish

                 Sean .E. Hansson


Author's Notes/Comments: 

i personaly like this poem for some strange reason i guess because i know that there is something after i just cant get it.

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