The Creature and the Owner


It claws its way to the surface,

Pulling and fighting for every inch.

Leaving holes from where it had to scrape and dig for a grip.

Out of a hole it climbs, put there by the hands of its owner.

The walls bleed and drip from the damage.


It is desperate to see the light of day.

All it wants is to make its presence known,

to say that I am here.

But so often it gets kicked back down the hole.

The path erased and smoothed over.


And the owner comes to think that it has won.

But it has been learning and growing.

It remembers its previous paths,

and how its owner kicked it and pushed it back down.

Its focus is not to just see the light but to stay there.


It does not hate its owner,

Nor does it have a love for its owner.

it just wants to be acknowledged and addressed.

To be treated as more than just an occasional inconvenience.


This being has several abilities,


When the owner thinks that dreams can come true,

It gives only nightmares.


It makes kind words such as “Are you okay?” and “Everything will work out.”

Reveal the truth for the owner,

that the owner was never okay and things seldom work out.


But not all of them are bad


It puts up a wall,

to see who cares enough to break them down.


When the owner does smile,

It is a bright one.

The owner is often one of the kindest people.

Their wisdom is usually beyond their years.


Used as fuel this creature can become fertilizer.

Great work can come from it.

But if left nothing stays alive for long.

As the creature wants to be the only thing the owner focuses on.


There is a name for this creature,

This insidious and sneaky thing.

It goes by many names maybe you have one too maybe not.

If you do this is nothing new,

If you do not,

consider yourself lucky.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on: 9/20/2017 @ 0853

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