In This Holiday Moment

Today, right now can be a holiday.

You can choose to make it one.

YOu do not need a reason.

Holidays can be a time when we spend time with those we love,

or when we need a break from the everyday.

But, today is Christmas Day.

Whether or not you celebrate this holiday as Jesus's birth,

or simply as a holiday to gather with friends and familys and give gifts.

Or the returning of the light as the days now grow longer.

I send this wish to you.


May you always  hold close those that you love.

May troubles never get you down,

May kindness greet you everyday,

May you see light when walking in darkness,

And may you always know that there are friends to help when you fall.

Walk in Light and Love my friend.

And know that you will always have a friend in me.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on: 12/24/2014

I wrote this for my mother for christmas.

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