Need a break?

Need a break?


Voluntary or involuntary, there are plenty of destinations out there to salve the broken spirit, chock full of chirping birds, open air and the occasional crash of tides coming to rest on the shore like some reassuring voice of an old friend that you might’ve lost contact with.


You’ll sleep like a baby out here even as your air mattress deflates, mid-dream. You’ll wake up sore and ready for the day’s adventure searching out the next, “in the cut”, cubbyhole of stagnation.


There, you’ll have lots of time to think. You’ll think of all the hidden souls living in the piss soaked bushes, abandoned parking lots, and under the freeway passes. Those tired souls with hearts and faces that have grown leather like qualities, devoured by the sun and time and the fresh faces awaiting their turn.


You can spend your time freely out here as you drift in and out of parking lots, conscientiousness and the thoughts and prayers of the last ones to care. A tattered American flag will flutter from your antenna serving as nothing more than a perpetual reminder that everything you’ve ever felt, thought or believed in, was a lie.


Yes, you’ll feed the birds and squirrels with ease but have trouble at times to feeding yourself…comes with the territory.

For the most part, you’ll feast on stale tortilla chips, Hormell chili from the can with a plastic spoon…and you’ll love and cherish each bite.

You’ll considering yourself lucky.


It all might taste a little bland though so you’ll reach down for that half eaten jar of 5 day old salsa nestled in your floorboard. You’ll even take the time to read that fine print on it’s lid.

“Refrigerate after opening”.


You’ll shrug it off.

You’ll stare out the window and think to yourself, “I’ll be just fine.”


R.M.S. 07-26-21

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