The heartless us

Its all about the fake decisions we take
We show we're fine and we need no break
We hold on to what hurts us just for our pride's sake
We act,we pretend,we do things we never thought we could make

Its all about the hates we say
They would strike a person's heart and exceed a gloomy way
Our words seem so cold just like snow at the end of may
Desperate and soreness would cover people's gay

However we can never take a step back
We would never say sorry because of the modesty that we lack
We learn to be heartless and defend ourselves from any attack

After we do all this
We start to feel pain and miss
Miss what was once a true bliss

But now we can no more have another opportunity
To save what was true and accumulate unity
We would suffer for death and nothing could corroborate charity

Expect the person whom we've hurt
The person we've often gave a painful spurt
The person we've caused misery and blurt

And then we could never have this persons trust again
How would we have it after all the caused pain?
How could a sea horse exceed his way to a plane?

Yes it seems almost unattainable
His love and care are unavailable
Your future will look unpredictable

Wise and logic won't be enough to claim ur way
it would depend on things that u can never say
Such as feelings and pain that would make you bay

Suddenly,You will become a lonely person in this world
With a great memory of He once cared
Goose bumps would spread over ur skin if it was his name that u heard...

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