
To deny what’s there is like murder,

To deny that you’re hurting inside,

Ignore the Demon that haunts your mind.

The one that’s killing your soul,

Making your wrists bleed red life,

To live in denial is like a prison.

To cut away at your life,

The cause can’t be removed,

The dark red marks against a pale flesh.

Red roses wilt and die,

Turn black and fall apart,

Tears turn to blood and fall.

The denial of the Demon,

The life it chooses,

Lies dormant in some, and kills others.

The fate that is chosen,

Is never the same,

But the tears always turn to blood.

For reasons untold it’s denied,

Pretended its not there,

The rising eclipse is Satan’s gift.

The sun and moon never shine again,

Eternity in a lifeless home,

Forever: in blackness.

The demon that resides inside your head,

It only dies when you die,

The pain it causes: scars forever.

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