
Hi! Hello!? How're you doin'?  It seems that everytime you and your girlz get together you look right past me like I'm wearing a "pleather" suit.  I've spoken to you in every language short of just droppin' some loot in front of you but your shoes just keep on passin' me by...

So I sit and wonder how and why you caught my eye and why can't I seem to catch yourz?  Is it rolling that fast or is it that I'm too slow for you?  The floors ain't that slick nor am I so fickle that I would not pick you because of past choices.  I just wanna hear your voice say my name or anything in the frame mind i'm in.  You could tell me that we can be friends and I'd probably say,"Heidi ho- till the end!"  Because to me you are like that one light wind that comes in when you need it.  You fit all of my imaginations favorite hits like it was winter-time and you were the mits.  I could've never conjured you up any better in any science kit yet, here you are.  

God just went too far!  Teasing me with this earth-bound star.  To hell with R. Kelly, you are way tighter than my car.  So can we go for a ride?  Can I sit on your passenger side?  Can I say,"I'm with her!" without saying,"Ooops, I just lied." Because for you I would glide right into a 5-star restuarant and get you something fried if that would allow me to say something more than "hi."  You come to mind when I ask myself what kinda woman would I have for my bride.  We could be like Bonnie & Clyde but not exactly (since I heard that they died).  Because even though I know that eventually we would die too, I would give anything to spend a quiet moment or two with you before my dream ended.

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