DaddyO: The Narcissist

by DaddyO 


Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.


Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to egocentrism.


Symptoms of this disorder include, but are not limited to:


  • Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation
  • May take advantage of others to reach his or her own goal
  • Tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents
  • Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance
  • Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
  • Easily becomes jealous
  • Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others
  • Obsessed with oneself
  • Mainly pursues selfish goals
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Is easily hurt and rejected
  • Sets unreal goals
  • Wants "the best" of everything
  • Appears as tough-minded or unemotional


Well let's see if I am in fact a narcissist or simply someone who has delusions of grandeur...


Is excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity

This description is spot on! But it seems to get more muddy from here on out...


Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation

I do react to criticism. I am very preoccupied with defending myself. But I don't feel shame (most would say I am shameless). I do internalize anger. I would like to think my temperament is pretty even keel, though I do tend to have a boiling point. Humiliation? Ha!


May take advantage of others to reach his or her own goal

Okay, yes. But I would like to think that I always give something back when doing so.


Tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents

Blush. Here is where the delusions of grandeur come in. I don't exaggerate, I find those around me who like me and avoid those who don't. But my own importance, achievements and talents are certainly important to me.


Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance

Imagines? Unrealistic? No. I fulfill fantasies which seem unrealistic.


Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others

Oh yes! But I give a lot back too. In small doses I am amazing. In large doses I tend to be annoying as hell. The friends and lovers who have put up with me in large doses I admire tremendously.


Easily becomes jealous

This is something I work on daily. I do tend to compare what I have and don't have with what others have and don't have. But doesn't the fact that I so enjoy sharing my partners with most anyone who wants to play help buffer this character flaw?


Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others

My logical mind tends to trump other's emotional minds. I have lost friends over it. I do tend to disregard how others feel because of how I think. My apologies.


Obsessed with oneself

I find myself more interesting than most everyone else. If someone else is as interesting as I am, I obsess over them too!  Oh, and shouldn't the word oneself be capitalized?

Mainly pursues selfish goals

...while being cognizant of others. So?


Trouble keeping healthy relationships

Okay, but this could be said about any personality disorder.


Is easily hurt and rejected
I think I fall about evenly on the hurt and rejected scale. When I am hurt, however, I tend to feel the hurt more. At least I think I do.


Sets unreal goals
Ha! I don't set enough goals. I just wanna have a warm bed and to be able to eat and pay my bills. Oh, and lick my babygirl's pussy (when I have one to lick) .


Wants "the best" of everything
Who doesn't?


Appears as tough-minded or unemotional
Does smiling, laughing, and being free-spirited and fun equate to tough-minded and unemotional? You be the judge.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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