
Reflections in the mirror.

Reflections in the water.

It’s all the same to her,

but it really doesn’t matter.


She feels not a thing,

not a tear upon her face.

And what she sees in the mirror,

isn’t ribbon and lace.


She’s treated like a child,

although it’s plain to see.

She’s not a little girl,

and her reflection will agree.


Her eyes reflect the past.

The pain flows from within.

Each day she checks the mirror,

will she ever be happy again?


She’s starting to believe them,

that little girl shows through.

She thought she had the answers,

but doesn’t know what to do.


Her face echoes in the mirror.

Her tears still streaming on.

Wishing she was smiling,

and that all her pain was gone.


Will her reflection ever change?

We’ll have to wait and see.

Because this girl inside the mirror,

just happens to be me.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 10-13-02. I don't really like this poem.

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