what has the world comes to

What has this world come to no time for talk
What has this world come to everybody walking the same walk
Is there no difference in the world anymore
If there is does it really have to start a war
Blue and Red the colors of sadness and anger
come together
and make purple the color of peace
Our brothers guns violence drugs money
is this what the good life is all bout
dyeing killing twenty years to life
leaving Ur kids what about Ur lovely wife
Our sisters tight skirts nude pics
Arguing over a nigga who couldn't a sh sh sh
shh and listen to Ur baby crying to Ur future dyeing
we should be praying not slaying
we should be at cookouts frying
not a funeral crying
over the dead whose time has not come
but has been made short by a bullet of a gun
What has this world come to
I am not from this world i am from plant Neptune
Earth is not the planet i love
if it has falling in a gravity of hated and death
fertilize by blood and tears
growing so quickly over the years
i am from the plant love
it is way in the sky up above
when the kid go out side and play
and don't have to worried if they will see another day
when the brothers put the guns away
and talk things out
with out the screams and shouts
what has this world come to
who made it this way certainly not me
wasn't it u

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