Heinously Committing Adultery

Heinously Committing Adultery

By Karyn Indursky



Bare-naked before you she stands revealing 
her externality only to please your 
straying eyes from lurking on another 
scarlet haired woman skimpily dressed in 
sheer black diamond stockings exposing skin 
up to her lace trimmed mini 
skirt with turquoise embroidery shimmering 
elegantly under your gaze before showing you 
black diamond sequins bouncing off lights 
in her mockery of a blouse only buttoned above 
cantaloupe breasts perking in acknowledge of 
growls burning your tight throat wanting 
more than temptation, but with your 
wife blocking your way you have 
no one to stray to for one last night 
before she serves divorce papers for 
heinously committing adultery.

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