Dying Sky

I look at the dying sky,
I'm dying inside

The sky is dying,
I am dying

The sky is darkening
like it is dying,

Or maybe it's crying.

That's what the sky i telling me.
That's what I'm thinking.

I'm thinking, the sky has feelings,
the sky has a personality.

The sky has a smile.
The sky has a cry.

The Sky is getting bright.
It's smiling.

The sky feels us.

The sky is real.
The sky is there.

The sky is just like one of Us.

The sky can cry.
The Sky can feel.
The sky can laugh.
The sky can scream.
The sky can smile.

The sky is one of us.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem I just wrote. I thought it would be cool to write several different poems about the sky's emotions.

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