
I see my body covered in them,
Bright red blood dripping from them,
Dark blotches surrounding them,
Uneven gashes on the skin,
Pain from each single one....

Some wounds are shallow,
Those wounds hurt the most,
They sting with every movement,
They tear open at the slightest shifting,
They bleed the easiest of all of them....

Deeper wounds are worse,
A real threat they represent,
Deep crimson blood from each one,
Harder to stop the bleeding,
They can mean the end of me...

Emotional wounds hurt worst,
Physical pain can be banished,
Emotions are not so easily dismissed,
There is no bandage for them,
Only time can heal these....

Psychological wounds are worst,
They cut the deepest of all,
Trauma now and forever,
Anything can reopen them,
They will always remain...

Yet time exists for this reason,
To patch them temporarily,
While the body scabs then covers them,
While the mind rebuilds itself,
For time heals all wounds....


Author's Notes/Comments: 

written during the "dark times" in high school.

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