The Perfect Thing to Say

The Perfect Thing to Say

Clark Steven Lupton

March 23, 2006

If I could think of

The perfect thing to say

Then I would think about you

Each and every day

I’d think about you in the morning

I’d think about you at night

I’d think of you all day

Just to get it right

And then when I thought of it

After thinking about it hard

I’d write it down for you

In a blank greeting card

Then I’d make a copy of it

And get it published by Hallmark

Everyone would buy it and I’d be rich

From the perfect quote by the Lupton, who is Clark

Yes even though you inspire me

And even though you are my muse

I’d profit from the perfect thing to say…

Face it, you’ve been used!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was in the mall yesterday and thought of a couple of topics (also, "If I Could Remember") For this one I was simply thinking, "What is the most perfect, flattering thing to say to a special lady?" And I thought of how the woman would feel all smooshy and gushy about it if I could think of it... so why not get it published and get rich too? And then my perfect saying for her would be commercialized and lose its appeal :o) Frankly it ended that way because "used" was the only word I could think of to sort of rhyme with "muse".

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