"Colored Through Lonely"

Colored Through Lonely

Cry with me

a river, better yet an ocean

with a floor

below a dead sea

For I lay before you a broken soul

lost in shattered silence

listening for the pity-patter of anyone

in shouting distance.

My tears have bled pure for years


for the crimson cuts sliced through a generation

by a family who left me for dead

before I turned seven


for the bruises weighted by the pound

of pre-teen flesh looking for answers

to why it would have been so much easier

not knowing how it felt to breathe


for all the abuse slithering through a young woman

by a man my mother loved

and I hated

With each clenched fist

as his face and sweat smothered a life

I would never come to know.

Today it rains and the mirror remains dry

cracked in revelations of a hurricane season past

returning in mind frames, slow motion twists

grinding each haunting memory

until the the insanity breaks the quiet

and I realize I am homeless again

The only place I know beauty

through my loneliness.

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