

The companionship of lillies and orchids

just a small touch of heaven

in a collision of miracles

as earth and nature blossoms

after the stars have sprinkled moondust

staining me in crimson hunger

inside the deliverance of your sweet rain

Soul~Mates strung in southern pearls

sharing the hush of sacred whispers

sealed in true love ways

Lullabies laid down in heart tracks

satin exhales surrendering to the voice

writing us beyond paper dreams

inked in eternal vows

versed in open arms

faithfully cradling the destiny of all we ever need

Because of our love we found obsession

and it's beautiful

we celebrated it together in our poetry

The tender fire of a Raven bookmarking

syllables softly laced in velvet memoirs

The refuge of a quiet man coming undone

before the eyes of the whole world

as he unveils the reason why he breathes

each and every day

and his pen has brushed it from the very beginning

Her love His signature

There is candlelight on this eve of summer

kisses in a twinkling shade of smiles

Fortunate are we in the colors that dance

in the afterglow of a blush of cheeks

as a chorus of our journey plays in the background

while we get undressed to forever's song

and live in moments of unforgettable


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