"Movie Magic"

Movie Magic

I watched a classic the night of the 21st

the temperature was close to 70 that day.

White Christmas was more than a movie

it was truly a dream in this part of the country,

has been for as long as I remember.

Bing Crosby was smooth

Danny Kaye in his typical funny sidekick mode

Rosemary Clooney a picture of beauty and grace

and Vera-Ellen had beautiful legs that could dance,

the girl could kick it.

I awoke to movie magic the morning of the 22nd

first it was spitting ice

then came the snow,

didn't stop until three inches later

and hundreds of cars in ditches.

The temperature never got out of the twenties

the next two days

White Christmas finally became more than a dream.

They don't make movies like they use too.

Music has always been so special in my life

I wonder if it has the same magic?

Think I'll find out

put John Lennon on

Imagine the world as one,

wake up on the morning after Christmas

really see if dreams do come true?

BG 12-27-04

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