Clever! How very clever
You seem to know me better
Does that make you my master?
Because you can see through my struggle
To see me this way and not wanting
To come to my aid
I have had enough from this world
This world that you pledged to be
My home and my dreamland
Devoid of malady, pain and misery
But look at me, do you ever see me happy
I laugh at nothing and my heart is empty
I laugh at anything that has no meaning
Yes I laugh aloud but only to hide my misery
They are all a façade to envelop my grief
I look around me and the more it pains me to see
That my world is filled yet very empty
My mind is tired from thinking what to do
In order for me to push away the blues
I am bored and worn-out
I want to go somewhere else
Where I can unearth infinite blithe
You know what my heart desires
You know what will make my spirit high
But you’re just staring, seeing me how to die
How long will you still want me to cry?