
I now have a new lease on life

I feel invincible

my soul is full

and fully intact

that vital piece that was missing

walks with me now

its been sewn so sweetly

to my once raw side

knowing that you breath and love me

keeps my little boat from toppling

off its course

I wish I could feel such wind in my face

and touch the sails that you've stitched up

the poles of my life

so to help better guide me

I am but a branch that was long ago broken

from you

my sturdy tree

the roots that steady your growth

shall anchor only further

in me

to steady my own as well

my soul at last has a home here on earth

temporary though as it is

its such a glorious feeling

this love I have for you adds to me

it doesn't take away

like others who have gone before

other than with God himself

my soul belongs

almost near so fully

with yours

God has answered

my millionth plus prayer

to him

of that please reveal him to me

this one that I have so longed for

even if you never choose to let me

in your life

other than through the mail

still I feel my prayer was answered

I just wanted someone I could love so deeply

who would not reject me

I can not imagine not feeling about you

this way anymore

you give me such a tremendous feeling

that I'm fine just as I am

and that feels like so good

you are this poet's most poignant muse

unlike all those other conniving, foolish and ultra

selfish women you've known

I will never forsake you or this love you've so

generously given to me

as my heart beat was but a lost drum

out looking for a rhythm just like yours

you are the sketch that drew this artist

not the usual other way around

and to think you wonder why I love you

so very much

change poor, poor man to silly putty man

how could I not love you

you tell me that my soul it would seem

got the better of me

and decided to have its say.................................

(Sept. 14, 1994)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

found buried in some old poetry notes so I cleaned it up a bit and transcribed it. I was so Idealistic and hopeful. amazing what youth can inspire in the heart and thoughts.

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