
to some

the littlest things tend to mean so much

like falling in love with love

while still even just a little leery of

its actual touch

the truest significance lies in the

plentiful paints of memory's

most cherished brush

we take such great pains to correct

the need that defies the most perfect

moment of passion's sweet rush

dizzying is the spell of certain expectation's

mystical allure

utterly vital are the physical Rembrandt's

and landscaped Picasso's

created from bloomed inspiration

so simple yet pure

such grand scale virtues

with their lovely arrangement and array

of hues

choose rather to take only their canvas

colored cues

from those too few hearts unfettered by

rigidity and excuse

plainly spoken they are much too fulfilled

from within to be fully known

isn't it utterly wonderful that some of our

soulful romanticism and childhood

we never seem to completely out grow

and in that small reserved blink of a moment

just before the too often asked question why?

that is where the charity of the poet gets

his more rewarding ideas from

meaning; 'The More Blessed The Valley'

the sweeter the trail is that leads all of

us back home...........................

(Jan. 28, 1997)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

inspired by the movie 'Sense And Sensibility'..

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