
my tears devoured me

and I

all alone

in my indiscreet foolishness

allowed them to

with you standing nearby

looking on

so haltingly put off

by my torn emotions

hungry madness

that your out of reach love

I could never long for again

as you stormed away

entirely disgusted

by my complete and utter

lack of self control

in one staggering breath

so horribly butchered

became all my former hopes and dreams

what I once so fully believed was love

in one fell swoop

betrayed my vulnerable heart

using your indifference as its cruelest

possible tool

forgiveness in the end

I assure you shall come

but at a very steep price

I paid for it today while you

completely unaffected got back into

your car just now

and began whistling

as you drove away

I was left destitute

but only in my mind

and that was

I am delighted now to say

for a very short time

so alas

goodbye my black hearted


your sneak attack betrayal

unknowingly did me the

greatest of all favors

perhaps I should now

openly give you credit

for having known then

what I only just now knew

we in essence

were never meant to be

we were but a convergence of

circumstances that taught in


so much more than they could

have ever done in the rush of

the moments

and remarkably this very knowledge

leaves me rather gladdened

that we did indeed

cross such colliding paths..........

(Aug. 13, 1998)

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