
everything goes except of course the saddle

he almost too quietly said


Like I really wanted it anyway

What a putz!

I felt like slapping him hard up side

his thick, stubborn head

the stereo was yours from the start

so you can take it with you as well

he all but ordered

at this point I realized

but much too late

that love is only what each individual

chooses to make of it

so yippity boo hoo!

nobody ever failed love more beautifully

than us

the books he never read

so I knew that they were as good as already


I don't care for any sparkling Chablis

what ever the bloody year

so I left behind all the wine

along with that damned sorry mangy cracked

leather excuse he calls a saddle

yeah sure

everything has been neatly picked apart

even the dogs

so as I walk out the door of this once happy


I pick up a few more jagged pieces of my before

momentarily forgotten broken heart

singing to myself all the way to the Jag

Happy good riddance to you

you heartbreaking honey

the next time for me its Buyer into the idea

of Happily ever after Beware!!!!!!.............

(Nov. 18, 1997)

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