
wit so like water

cascades upon

many a thankful shore

hope though

in aggravation's hand

remains a quarry

never long palmed

the snare of envy once set

allows the trapper himself

no truly comfortable escape

ah, but for the sweetly thwarted ego's

most formidable foe


man must have his first taste

attraction can be such a sweet

all consuming cage

a myriad layered in bliss lined colorful

musings of every kind

a self drawn mythic paradise

denying in parts

the realm of reality's form

for the immediate reward

of but those too few precious moments


its in the perfectness of such wishings

that the un stifle able desire

finds its way to be so dangerously born

that which can not on its own shallow merits

survive for very long

the illusion further foolishly fed

only pays for the pied piper to continue

playing his empty song

and so like the caterpillar

but somewhat twisted and in reverse

love too must sustain

a most startling metamorphosis

to truly be love

the fresh, youthful romantic side

that everyone is so fond of

is but small captivating bait

many bite into its delicious tip

only to find the hook too late

and the waters such bite leads them


far too uncertain and deep

such devastating truth

alienates them further

from the illusion they seek

and so the disappointed still so hungry

from the unsatisfying small taste of the

initially offered sweet

sulks away even further dismayed

more lost and farther self deluded

than before

in search of an even more unrealistic

embodiment of the love/illusion

he so craves

in effect

the part of love

(and a very small part at that!)

that is destined to a very great

degree to evaporate

the wisest of men

eventually comes to understand this

and through love teaching experience learns

that the tastiest most attractive of appetizers

can never for very long pas for the soul

hugging entre'

true love

though not always so pretty

is tough

and can out fox the piper

with a song all its own..................

(written Oct. 10, 2002 8pm)

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