
setting alone in this cool, quiet room
possibilities come quickly and vibrantly alive
with my pen poised readily above this once
discarded page I inherently throb and thrive
I have a distracting penchant for modern
romanticism and the French
I am also most opinionated, obstinate and refuse
to budge a single inch
an old friend once labeled me a truly mean and
heartless wench
to my boy's like bosom my sadly lacking self
expectations I conservatively clench
to the extreme measures of the not so perfect
it's considered unhealthy to constantly review all
points of one's past for the over all fear of the
probably ill-effect
I loved T.S.Elliot
I wish he and I could have sat down together for
a few gentle hours and talked
through many a dusty old library for his numerous
grand works I patiently walked
he truly had the most beautiful of souls
inspiring in me an intricate construction of feasible
his works filled me with a sense of completion
an indescribable awe
I wish I could have truly seen whatever it was that
he himself saw
maybe then my views on everything to me wouldn't
seem so small
but to write of him you must admit takes indeed
quite a lot of gall.........
(written May 25,1991 in the afternoon)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the only words of his that I can clearly recall. I've had them in my head for at least 20 plus years now ... "I HAVE SEEN THE ETERNAL FOOTMAN HOLD MY COAT AND SNICKER... AND IN SHORT.. I WAS AFRAID!

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