
I feel like I've been through eight battles in four
danger zones
I ache in places where there used to be only bones
Isn't it weird when the body is hurt how the mind
can block out the pain
and make mobile what was once lame
into higher spheres this skill is modified and
henceforth honed
sometimes what works for one individual
for another it can not be cloned
man is not made of wood nor stone
unto our individual ways we each must atone
lord knows, I dislike being idle or drone
I must master this piece
I cannot continue to postpone
to the like of the procrastinated I am prone
if you will examine the markings of my past
this I'm sure will clearly be shown
behind every dark cloud someone once said
the sun continues to smile and shine
perhaps behind these cheery words lay some
sort of sign
if God were just a a poor poet what subject would
he touch upon first
would he see our today as better than all the
previous ones or as the absolute worst
of our many failures would he feel himself in some
way to be blamed
even this possibility of thought makes me feel
almost ashamed
perhaps all the hate, wars, trivial happenings
and final downfall were meant to be from the very
perhaps we've out done ourselves and shot a
loveless arrow that can't be lodged right through
our loving creator's heart
perhaps he looks down at us and thinks he's created
a monster like the medieval Dr.Frankenstein
explain to me why does that metaphor send a chill up
my spine
Dear Father above, I am but a prayerful sinner
knowing you are always by my side
makes me feel I'm the winner...........
(written April 28,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

one of many poetic exercises that hailed from over thinking this or that I'm sure.

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