
its a cruel irony that you should come to love me now

when I'm unable to love you equally back

its cruel as well to think we could be together

when we really know we can't and all because of some

stupid pact

is love an accurate term to use

or is it of like many

a past excuse

if only we could find a foot hold of common ground

on which to stand

a place to stop and thoroughly through this faint

feeling think

a time to reach out and hold one another' s lonely

hand must we forget all the good times that have

somehow become blurred by all the bad

I now fully believe in the trite saying that one can

never go back nor capture what one so long ago once had

its always different

brought on strongly by the hateful hands of time

give me just a moment alone to kiss this sad feeling

of incredible loss goodbye

and maybe by starting with today we can start a fresh

if we so much as dare to try

I'm not so certain though if I can live with the old

numbing feelings of bitterness, betrayal and remorse

but in the secret region of my soul

love has replanted itself to become the superior

driving force so you and I must learn to nurture

and guard this precious grand feeling and destroy

in the process

the aging deep seated hate

if each of us could overcome the age old obstacle

once again we can safely and accurately call the

other  this lifetime's soul mate..................

( written March 25, 1992 am)

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