
I lay on my bed naked
careless to the world around me
truth in flesh
cannot be denied
swirls of abstract discontent
did their due diligence to sway me
but I allowed not the ruse of such
recompense my fate to decline
lavish mental structures
rose so proudly in my mind
landscapes my words have
yet to paint
lend content to the absurd
in brave personal silence
I rose to haphazardly dress
doubly determined to further
demonstrate my literary worth
a new found confidence collected
restores in me my purpose to
this earth
to write honestly
and to write often
forging an enduring bond
the portrait of a soul ever
'Framed By The Physical'
(Feb.2, 2015 1143pm)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Near perfect thoughts I was having after I exited the shower and lay down on my bed to watch television and let my hair dry naturally.

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