
I cannot even say I know you
But I can feel some sort of magic in your eyes.
Am I the only one who thinks that you might be an angel?
Does anyone else feel like you could fly?
Forgive me if I seem too forward
But pleast, hear me if you can...
I've heard you singing like a blackbird
And I want to hold your hand
dun dun dun dun dun duuuun dun dun dun
ding ding dinga dinga ding ding diiiing
There's just something so special about you
And I need some magic of my own.
If I'm with you I'll be in paradise.
So, take my hand and take me home.

Take me home, won't you take me home?
Been hanging around here way too long.
But, if you're a bird, then I'm a bird.
Teach me your own blackbird song.

Take me home, please just take me home!
I'd love to meet your father there.
Second star to the right and straight on to first light
I'll leave all this behind and never once care.

To paradise, to paradise
Take my heart away to paradise.
I know you're perfect, it's clear
And though this place is real nice...
Tonight I want to rest with you
In paradise.

- Lo Ru

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