Eagle Song

It is wise to do good
and refrain from evil
it is wise to do good
and refrain from evil

Birds pretty little birds
fly so high
but oh pretty little birds
can only fly so high
before they must
come back down

beautiful little birds
fly in flocks
yes those lovely birds
they flock in flocks

It is wise to do good
it is wise to do good
and refrain from evil

Birds beautiful little birds
can only fly so high
but eagles soar alone

eagles soar high
and alone
but never lonely
as the Creator
is the wind beneath
their wings

Soar high soar on
Mighty and majestic
as the Creator
is the Wind beneath
her wings

Yes Soar on mighty eagle
but not lonely
and set the example

It is wise to do good
it is wise to do good
and refrain from evil

Strive to be like
the Mighty and
Majestic Eagle

Copyright 1997 - 2015 ©  Chicahuac Necahuatl

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this song before I ever dreamed of the Eagle.

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