How Innocent

How clearly her tears fall

When they look upon her face

How pure they seem

Rolling down her cheek

Innocence they see in her

As she sits there and cries

All alone in the world

A victim of cruel fate

Her crystal tears drop




Landing softly on her sleeve

In her eyes there is a blackness

In her heart there is a hole

Alone she has been for years

Without the love of her parents

A tragic accident befell them

They died a silent death

Quietly sleeping that night

The carbon monoxide took their lives

How the poor girl weeps

She was away for the weekend

And didn't even get to say good-bye

The news she hides from the world

Is where she really was that weekend

And how the gas was left on

How innocent her tears seem

Rolling down her cheeks

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Something random...

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