Tigre Real

I watch the tiger run at me,
Teeth bared and eyes bulging.
The anger in its eyes is terrifying,
As if he’s verifying who I am.

The sun shines bright in my eyes,
As the thoughts in my mind run wild.
I stumble to catch my step,
Fight to catch my breath.

My life flashes before my eyes,
Memories come to life.
I see different scenes,
Some dark, some bright.
Some distinguishable, some masked.

I see three faces,
Strangers from another world, staring at me with revenge.
What are they looking for?
What do they want from me?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem for a school project my senior year. Our assignment was to write an ekphrasis poem about a famous painting.. I chose a painting by Salvador Dali called "Tigre Real." This is what came to mind when I first saw the painting and I wanted to share it.

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