How Can You Not Love a Kitty?

Children's Songs

How can you not love a kitty?; kitties are so soft and sweet.
How can you not love a kitty?; sweet from it's head to its feet.
Kitties are friendly, kitties purr; they are so happy when you pet their furr.
How can you not love a kitty; kitties are wonderful pets.
How can you not love a kitty; just don't let the kitty get wet.
Kitties are curious; kitties are playful;
They eat and they play and they nap; what a dayful!
How can you not love a kitty; how clean and how pretty they are;
How can you not love a kitty; the cuddliest pets by far!
You'll never get lonely if you have a cat;
It will be your best friend; how about that!
How can you not love a kitty;
Not everyone has one; what a pity!

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