To Die, or Not to Die? | Date: Can't Remember

I was with my youth group and my old pastor, and my Ex was there too. We were driving in a car and going on a "holy field trip" or something and there wasn't enough room so they gave me and this one girl from the youth group these scooters and we had to follow them...and we were driving in the dark and this car that looked exactly like theirs came by and I got confused and followed it-the wrong car. And then I realized that it was the wrong car and spun out of control and ended up in this junky neighborhood. And there were like creepy shadows going by and people fighting and smashing beer cans and car alarms going off. And these two boys came up to me and asked me where I came from and I told them that I was just following my pastor and youth group and I got lost and crashed. And they led me to this, what they called "police station" and told me to go in there and then they left. I asked the person at the desk if this was the police station and she said no. And I asked her if I could use a phone and she gave me a phone and I called my Mom and told her that I was lost and scared but all right then all of a sudden I was like, on top of this building and it was like a construction site and there was an Erie reddish light. And then the devil appeared and said "go ahead, jump! End it all! And I will meet you when you hit the ground, jump you know you want too" and I just felt so confused and I wanted to jump SOO bad. But I said no. I will just climb down. And so I did but I slipped when I was almost there and I was holding on to a bar. Hanging there, holding on for my life. I looked down and saw paramedics and my ex and some of my family and friends and flashing police lights. And I just screamed "somebody save me! I cannot hold on any longer!!!" and then the Medics called out to me "hold on" and so I tried so hard but I was slipping then I heard "LET GO," over and over...Finally I heard someone say "let go its all over now." And I looked down and my ex and medics where holding a sheet for me to land safely on. So I did. And I was safe and sound on the ground. Then I was back in the car with the youth group and my pastor and ex. And we just drove for a while and talked about God and other stuff, and then I woke up.

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