Lady and Jack: The Conflict Part 1

She stood there at the edge of the clearing, eyes to the west, locked on the form of the lifeless tree, sight steady as a game of cat, and doe. Anguish weres her sorrowful mask while mangling her insides. she has bided to much anger, rage is her resolve, and is not complete without conflict. Her nails have pierced the skin of her palms, and rest in the cavitys, knuckles red, and black from the grip she holds on this agony. she will level this place, and him with it. And love will not stop it, nor any other sentiments. she will lay waste to this by any means, drastics and exetremes. The day was cold, yet the cold could not grasp, and the icy wind failed to rattle her. and her hand never leaves her sword. He runs hastedly towards the forest imbrace. the tree tops visable, he sees the long withered form of the tree for where they meet from a ways. He knows she knows, but doesn't delay. He isn't wrong nor is he right. But feels justified in his actions, and convinces hiself of this. He has prepared himself, and will not submit nor compromise. As Lady watches the tree, jacks form emerages from from the slope to stand under the trees naked body. What he sees confuses  him, though he is ready for this fight, her face twisted in such a way he has never seen. The gloom in her eyes, more beautifull than her smile. It was that that brought them together, that day, she sat under that lone tree, thoughts whispering in the winds whisling, beckoning come sit with me. Jack closes his eyes clenching them shut to concentrate, and fill his resolve. jacks name comes out in a screeching howl dark and foul. He opens his eyes half focus, the only thing he notices is she closed most of the space between them. He jumps back hard trying to open up space not expecting what comes next. Lady sees his attempt at a retreat, she reacts instantly, jumping forword unsheathing and throwing her sword down and horizonal, 'desolation', the reddish aura explodes from the sword . She does not see the surprise on his face, nor the pain. Jack! she yells long and hard not even hearing herself. Not even temporarily comed by the lack of vision from all the dust that floats in the air. She senses him and knows hes still here, breathing. As her eyes start to water, the burning comes with it and so does the aching, the agony intensifies harshly, lady puts both hands on her head throws her head back and screams, what exits her mouth sounds of nothing human, its high, hard, and long. Jack understands know, as the pale moon light reflects deep red off of her eyes. She has given in to the demon sword, and willingly. His resolve fueled by the implication, and cold fills him. His eyes empty, he is focused.

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