Come to my garden,

Let me show you the way…

Walk into my footsteps,

Like the shadow I am! 


The day is fading away.

Can you smell the perfume of ether…?

Exotic flowers rotten to the core,

Each one with a bleeding heart! 


Feel the thorn of the dying rose,

Getting each night,

Deeper unto your flesh,

Another fading passion!


Moon reflecting on white lilies,

Feeding on my tears…

My flesh turning into ashes,

The earth fed with the salt of my being. 


Can you see the flashing colours?

Blinding your innocent eyes…

Your feet’s slowly going into the ground,

Buried into the garden of my perverted mind! 


My perversion of today,

My innocence of tomorrow!

My garden is eternity,

Filled with corpses of memories…. 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Oh mighty, just bump unto some real old dusty words. what is it, me and garden?
actually, i love, plNTS AND GARDENING, MUST BE THAT....

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