Hieu Le

your a child

and everybody knows

your gonna live to be eighty three

we got to school today

and your seat was


someone said

My God, he's gone away

i see her scribble

her nails cut at the desk

but her mouth stays shut

wont you let yourself cry?

when pain is nothing new

when u feel theres nothing

u can do

but feel weak

do u hold it in again?

he's sat there

how many days in a row

the bell has rung and its rung again

she leaves like nothings new

but in her head


is the world

she grasps her defense again

i see her walk out

her hands push at the door

but silence on her face

wont you let yourself cry?

when pain is nothing new

when you feel theres nothing

u can do

but feel weak

do you hold it in again?

In our mind

your still running on

when the bell rings tomorrow morning

there is someone else

sitting there, but


it will be

long after your replaced

an old desk scribbled

deep nail marks-a name

a story maybe unknown

for it was years ago

when pain was nothing new

for someone these dont know

u can do

without the pain

did you ever express yourself?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

in memory of hieu le(1987-2004) and for jen

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