New Beginning

The sun was hiding behind the mountains, the sky was red and the clouds were grey. You couldn’t hear the birds singing, the noise of the traffic or the muttering of people. There was no sign of humans or animals. Near the debris of the fallen buildings, there was a cockroach named Frank who used to roam around the restaurants from the block. He woke up like every day in his life, smelling a lot of food from all garbages and hearing people arguing in the streets but that day he didn’t, so confused he asked his friend cockroach.

“Hey Beans, where did everyone go? Do you think that…”

“I-I-I don’t really know Frank, maybe it did happen again, God knows.“

“Maybe they are just hiding, just like we do!”

“I don’t know Beans, this time it looks different. I can feel it in my antennas!”

“Maybe we should go to high ground and see what’s going on.”

And so the little cockroaches started their journey, they needed to climb the highest mountain the new, Mount Trashmore. In the path they started to hear tickling noises in the background. Just as they approached the top they found a cricket was following them.

“Hey you! Why are you following us!?” said Beans

“I just wanted to know what were you guys doing! I mean no harm, trust me! My name is Ricky”

“We are trying to climb this mountain so we can speak to God and ask him what happened.” said Frank

“God? How are you planning to talk to him? He stopped listening to us when everyone started fighting and being selfish. He will not respond to you.”

“We can try, we are alive for a reason”


And so they continued their journey. By the time they reached the very top of the mountain, they found a speaker and a microphone with a sign that says, “He hears everything and he will hear everything about you” so Frank decided to speak to God in order to obtain an answer for his question. After a few seconds, he replied and said, people ain’t good no more, I can hear everything from here, and you little creatures ain’t good either, I’ve watched how everyone destroyed the world, everyone being selfish and doing harm to each other, isolating yourselves from the rest of the world. So expect the same for everyone, this is a new beginning.

Luis Bravo, Javier Adrian

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