Pills: I Live Only To Take Some More

Pills. I live only to take some more

Hoping one day I'll find the cure.

Each day I take at least:

One for strength just to go on

The love I had is gone

Please help me to be strong

Not left singing a crappy song.

Two for hope. That is what I need

Not another knife for my wrist to bleed

I have to get over this I need to be happy

I'm sorry for all the times I've felt lonely.

Three for all my heartache

It must have been a mistake

Please forgive me

Don't leave me.

Four for everything thing in my life that's bad

Stuff that made me happy and things that's sad

Help me to rid this, I cry out to thee

Help me get rid of all this misery.

Five pills is never enough

I'm not that tough

I'm crying out for help.  Why?

Why don't you help me to cry?

Six pills.  I shall take some more

Until I'm laying lifeless on the floor

That is what she did, why can't I?

I try over and over.  Still I don't die.

Seven for the question that ways on my mind

God, answer me this.  Is it not my time?

Did you really have to take her? Why, why, why?

I'm sorry.  I'm still angry, but I cannot cry.

Eight pills taken, The bottle has only one or two more

I hope at the bottom, I can find what I'm looking for

Maybe something solid to fall back on

Before I know it one more pill is gone.

Nine pills only because I can

I don't know why, I can't understand

This bottle used to kill my pain

The high isn't really the gain.

Ten pills I have taken

My hearts still breakin'

I needed you but you left me alone

You were great; but now your gone.

I've made it to the end of the bottle

Wake up and I'm in the mental hospital

What did I do? How'd I get here?

Over doing it, is my only fear.

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