Blissful Memoir

Love Poems

I treasure all about

Our  first awesome phase

We started on a link

Provided with the facts


The same first day

you deeply  touched  my heart.  

Considering that stage

I had many peculiar friends

Hence it’s not a  fret  

for you showed the finest care

The same first day

I was walking down the lane

And preserved each note

on how we form with aim.


I can hear music within the inspiring  tune
And sense  the magic in every ringing tone
I couldn't emagine a blissful affection that mount
Hope you can absorb a cheerful  soul that count.

My hands were  filled with various heavy stuffs,
My fingers as well busy for my device
I fail to see the people all around
Cause I was engaged to a very special love.

Walk, walk, walk!  Gutter on the floor
Agh! Umm! Ouch! Stepped on the hole
Oooppss! Awww! Sorry!  Bump with certain folks
Moving side by side,  funny steps I  got.

Oh, what a heck! I was drenched by the drizzle
Overlooking all cause of crushing spirit  impel
Comical steps  I made  with cheerful  I discern
Truly can’t explain the blissful affection I obtain!

You dont know how it counts

You completed my desire!

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