Not Today - For Aunt Kim

I sat with everyone else around your death bed today

I heard your struggled breathes

I watched your brief moments of consciousness

I heard my Daddy say that God didn’t answer any of his prayers

People say I’m one of those that believe in miracles, in hopes, and in dreams

But not today

Today all I smell on the air is death.

Today the sky is truly gray and a hard rain falls.

Today I am full of doubts.

I kissed your scabbed and bruised forehead that still bears the marks where they tried to cut the cancer out of you

In a year you went from a vibrant light to a dimmed shell of the woman I love.

I see the tears in my Daddy’s eyes as he struggles between falling apart and being strong.

People say I’m one of those that believe in miracles, in hopes, and in dreams

But not today.

Today all I see is her dying in a hospice bed.

Today all I see are the faces fighting back tears.

Today I can’t believe in anything.

God, I am losing faith in you.

I know all the prayers I prayed in your son’s name go unanswered.

Because if you’d heard me then she’d be better and cancer free

So right in this moment at my kitchen table I am heartbroken and

Too damn depressed to believe in anything.

Today it’s all mirrors, bibles, and lies.

So forgive me.  Today I can’t pray. Not today. No, not today.

Because it hurts too much.

The power went out and all the lights went dark.

Today the darkness is all around us.

Today  I’ve tucked away all my hopes and dreams.

Today there’s no point to believe.

Today I have no faith.

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